Peace Corps Prep Graduate Student Peer Advisor This position is situated in the International Center on the Global Engagement and Education Abroad (GEEA) team. The GEEA team facilitates intercultural, education abroad, and international student and scholar focused programming for the International Center. You can learn more about the International Center & the GEEA team's responsibilities here. Duties & Responsibilities The person selected for this position will focus at least 90% of their time on working on the Peace Corps Prep Program and up to 10% of their time on other GEEA programming initiatives. Work alongside the Assistant Director for Global Engagement & Education Abroad in the International Center to maintain, update, and execute Peace Corps (PC) Prep promotional strategies. Maintain regular office hours and advise students currently in the PC Prep program as well as those interested in the program. Lead Peace Corps Prep Information Sessions, Class Talks, and Info Tables. Collaborate with U-M Peace Corps Strategic Recruiters to plan campus events including those specific to Peace Corps Prep participants, events for students interested in the Peace Corps, as well as the annual Peace Corps Send-off Celebration. Assist the Assistant Director in reviewing students’ completed PC Prep Exit Checklists. Promote and engage in inclusive programming that encourages students and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers to reflect on power, privilege, and oppression in the global environment Develop and promote cultural and social events/workshops to promote active engagement between U.S. and international students. Organize events for international students, scholars, and their families and co-lead with other student staff on the GEEA team. Complete other duties as assigned.