Job Details  

Assistant In Research
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Job ID 8195
Job Funding Source Work-Study
Employer Institute of Gerontology
Category Professional/Administrative
Job Description

Assist at several different phases of research studies on aging with focus on psychological factors affecting aging issues. Opportunity to assist in multi-center clinical trial with older adult participants

Educational Value

Learn about planning and carrying out research studies. Learn about statistical packages and other programs used to handle information collected in research studies.

Job Requirements

You must have an interest in learning about research and some familiarity with computers. Experience with research valued but not necessary

Hourly Rate $15.00/hour to $17.00/hour
Hours 10.0 to 15.0 hours per week
Time Frame Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer
Start Date asap
End Date at completion of project
Primary Contact Linda V. Nyquist
Primary Contact's Email
Supervisor Linda V. Nyquist
Work Location 300 N. Ingalls
Phone 734-936-6078
Fax N/A